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Products - Operating Default Display Screens

When the system’s screen is displaying the ‘Time of Day’ screen, it will also list out the flow rate of the system as well as the gallons per minute, or GPM. In order to access additional information, you can utilize the ‘next’ button below the screen, from there, you’ll reach a display of the current GPM. 


By continuing to press the ‘next’ button, you can access the system’s ‘vacation mode’ which you can of course toggle on and off based on when you’ll be out of the house for a while! Vacation mode allows for you to set the system not to regenerate unnecessarily. To activate vacation mode, simply press the + button and toggle the mode from off to on. When you get home, you can go about your day like normal. Once 50 gallons of water have been used, vacation mode will automatically switch off, and the system will resume its normal function.


Pushing the button again will return you to the ‘time of day' screen.


To learn more about the functions of our water softener systems, reach out for your free, no-obligation estimate, today!